Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Planetside 2

Once again, I am reminded why I do not play Sony games.  Planetside 2 is full of bugs.  How do I loath thee?  Let me count the ways ...

  • I use a Dvorak keyboard layout.  This makes keyboard remapping a complete necessity.  Which they do offer.  But I have to remap even the most basic movement keys for being on foot, in a land vehicle and in an air vehicle.  How about we just make movement a global setting?
  • Constant crashes.  I only play for about half an hour before the client locks up.
  • There are many cases where Vanu Sovereignty purple and New Conglomerate blue are pretty much indistinguishable ... cases in combat where milliseconds count.  And I'm not even color blind!  My best friend, Punish, he's color blind in such a way that makes it hard to see the red in colors ... like distinguishing purple from blue.
  • Graphics glitches.  I had to experiment with the graphics settings for about half an hour before I could get some settings that actually worked.  It turned out that I needed to set the basic "Graphics Quality" setting (that has no description tooltip) to Low.  Everything else I can set as high as I like.  From what I can tell, this forces the client to use the low-quality models.  If I set the graphics quality setting to anything else, even Medium, I get strange artifacts where polygons aren't erased and everyone has crazy-ass googly eyes ... (it appears the eyeballs are drawn on the outside of the head).
I am soooooo glad I didn't pay for this piece of crap.  Oh, and the most hilarious part ... in one of those frequent crashes I noticed something.  When I went to Task Manager to kill the locked up client ... it had the version number in the description: v0.470xxx.  It's not even version 1!  They knew they were shipping crap.